Old women travel

Our mission/vision thing

We hope to inspire women our ages and older (50 +)  to walk or bicycle in a daily way that keeps an end view in mind: challenging ourselves to try more active tourism. If we choose to walk or bicycle to the grocery store instead of driving there, and we think of these errands as excuses to train for a trip, can we find more motivation to lose the habit of a car-centric approaches to living?

We wanted to encourage ourselves and others to make daily conscious choices that open the possibility of more adventurous tourist travels whether that might mean signing up for a trip that involves more walking or deciding to explore a new city by bicycle.

We hope that we can encourage more people opt into traveling differently for daily activites  with the intention of helping to create towns and cities that increasingly cater to the car-less whether tourists or residents. We hope for better paths for walkers, roads for people on bikes or in wheel chairs, and robust public transportation whether in cities, suburbs, or rural locations.


Why Active Tourism?

We enjoy food and drink

For most of us, if we love bread, chocolate, mocktails, beers, wine, or decadent meals, fitting into our clothes becomes more of a challenge. 

We walk for food. We bike for beers/wine. We enjoy a perfect meal because we feel a pleasant exhaustion from a day of effort. 

At our most honest, we want to learn more about active travel so that we can indulge more.

Why "old?"

We embrace age

We explored a range of names for this site, and then just decided to call a spade a spade. If you’ve experienced body metabolism changes due to aging, you’re our target audience.  If you’ve found yourself muttering something about arthritis, you’re our target audience.  If you hear parts of your body creak for no good reason, you’re our target audience.  

Our game is to talk about how to move, how to keep going, especially when we don’t know how to accommodate our changing bodies.  We explore people’s advice and try out our own approaches. While we cater to women’s issues, men face many of the same challenges. Women and men are welcome here especially if they, like us, believe that the signs of aging are beautiful.

slow tourism

defining our terms

We imagine slow tourism is a way of opting into seeing leisure and commuting travel differently, opting for a walk instead of driving to a destination, opting to view a daily walk with a dog as a shift in mindset, choosing to see the local terrain through a tourist’s eyes, choosing to engage in that walk so that we might feel more confident to try a thru hike, or a week on a bicycle, riding across a state.